Clean, Clear, Silicone Oils and Lubricants from Clearco .

Silicone Fluids for Flow Control, Temperature Control, Pressure Control, Motion Control, and Vibration Control Instruments, Gauges & Sensors

Products Description: Clearco Pure Silicone Fluids are clear, colorless and odorless linear 100% Polydimethylsiloxane Silicone Fluids / PDMS Silicone Oils

PSF-Fluids are characterized by their hydrophobic nature, wide service temperature ranges, high dielectric strength, stability at high pressure, excellent lubricity, high damping action, good heat capacity values, and inertness to virtually all components. They are widely used in Flow Control, Temperature Control, Pressure Control, Motion Control, Humidity Control and Vibration Control applications.

They are widely used by manufacturing facility, engineering departments, research facilities and testing laboratories for use in flow meters, flow control gauges, temperature instruments, temperature sensors, temperature gauges, pressure gauges, pressure sensors, pressure calibration equipment, vibration dampers, vibration testing equipment, automatic timing devices, robotic and ROV technologies to name a few.

Low Viscosity Silicone Fluids

Low Viscosity Silicone Fluids are used in a wide range of instruments, gauges, sensors and meters to monitor and control temperature, pressure, vibration motion & humidity. Their low viscosity, low pour points, low viscosity change at temperature and inertness make them widely used for extreme low temperature applications.

Medium Viscosity Silicone Fluids

Medium Viscosity Silicone Fluids are used in a wide range of instruments, gauges, sensors and meters to monitor and control temperature, pressure, vibration, motion & humidity. Their thermal properties and high damping action help to ensure the most accurate reading in the gauges/instruments/meters, switches and sensors, under the most adverse conditions.

High Viscosity Silicone Fluids

AM-6152 Amino-Functional Silicone Fluid is a low level amine content fluid, amine number of 7ml. AM-6152 is most widely used as a release agent for urethane foam and cable lubricant in the automotive industry.